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New Vistry Site Plan

Updated: Feb 26, 2022

Vistry have produced a new site plan which will be going out to consultation very soon. The main changes from the Richborough plan are that there will be less dwellings - down to 186 from Richborough's ridiculously high proposal of 220 which would never have been viable. However BRAG feels that this is still too many considering the reduced land available from the original allocation in the Local Plan. The main street is widened and there are now some green space integrated into the site. Overall it does appear less dense but there is still no compliance with plot rhythm as the density of new housing bordering existing housing is still too high. There will still be 2.5 and 3 story apartment blocks on the main road although most dwellings will 2 story. They have reduced the height of the GP surgery.

BRAG will be meeting with representatives of Vistry next week to see how responsive they will be to any residents concerns and we will feed back to our members.

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