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Hampshire Development Refused Due To Overlooking and Boundary Density

Updated: Oct 16, 2021

BRAG has found a decision to dismiss an appeal by a developer for 38 dwellings which we could use to argue against the density of proposed housing backing onto existing dwellings. According to the site plan for OE, the density of housing roughly doubles with existing properties having up to 6 new houses backing onto the back of their houses.

The unacceptability of big differences in density between existing and proposed new dwellings is amply demonstrated by the refusal on appeal by the Planning Inspector of an application by Southcott Homes in Hampshire in a case which is very similar to the application on Ottershaw East. The issue was around overlooking, and loss of privacy exacerbated by the density of housing proposed backing onto existing dwellings. The inspector commented that having multiple new housing backing onto existing dwellings was overly marked and had a detrimental effect on existing resident’s amenity and privacy. It was noted that having up to 6 new houses backing onto a single dwelling was not acceptable and the appeal was refused on this basis. The current masterplan has several houses where 2 houses back onto existing dwellings, 2 where 3 new houses would back on and 1 where 6 new houses would back on. It was not acceptable in the Hampshire case and should not be acceptable in Ottershaw.

(Appeal Ref: APP/M1710/A/14/2229095 Land to the rear of Nos 191 - 211 Lovedean Lane, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO8 9RT.)

See the full decision here

If you want to make a further objection based on this new information, please email and quote RU.21/0672 - Ottershaw East

The more letters the better. They are still accepting letters of objection until December 2021

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