Here are some of the consultant responses RBC have received, which are all accessible through the RBC planning portal through the links below: Runnymede Business Development and Policy Manager "We are of the view that this site offers the opportunity for good quality houses and gardens for all the residents and – knowing the importance of the quality of living environment as highlighted in during the pandemic – should not include any flats." Infrastructure Agreements & CIL Manager for Surrey County Council: "It is anticipated that this development would yield 110 school age children that would require school places based on the housing mix provided by Runnymede Borough Council. Surrey County Council considers that the new housing proposed will result in increased demand for school places. Additional educational infrastructure will be needed to accommodate children from families moving into the development. Without a contribution to mitigate this, the proposal would have an unacceptable negative effect on education in the area and jeopardise Surrey County Council's ability to fulfil its statutory duty to provide sufficient school places." The total contribution sought is £1,722,237. Head of Green Space | Runnymede Borough Council: "The LEAP...might be better placed and in a more central location where it would be easily accessible by all and afforded some informal surveillance...A mix of allotments and a community orchard would be a good way forward. But you really need to provide vehicular access to allotments, so that plot holders can easily bring materials and tools onto the site. We would suggest around 20 x 5 rod (125m2) allotment plots would be a good target."
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